Dental Hygienist

dental hygienist london

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Dental Hygienist in Piccadilly, London

dental hygienist in piccadilly london
Dental Hygienist in Piccadilly, London

Visit our Dental Hygienist at Piccadilly Dental in London. Conveniently located at 72 Shaftesbury Avenue, W1D 6NA.

3 minute walk from Piccadilly Circus.

Appointments available daily, weekends and evenings for your regular dental care.

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Expert dental hygiene services

At Piccadilly Dental, we like to live by the mantra that prevention is better than cure. Dental hygiene forms the foundation for strong, healthy, beautiful teeth. We aim to provide tailored advice and expert dental hygiene services to enable you to protect and shield your smile and keep your sparkling pearly whites in check. Seeing a dental hygienist on a regular basis can provide a raft of benefits, keeping dental diseases at bay, and ensuring your smile looks sensational. If you’re looking to book a hygienist session in Piccadilly, London, here’s some more information about the benefits of dental hygiene care and a guide to our comprehensive selection of hygiene services. 


What exactly does a dental hygienist do?

Dental hygienists are experts in oral hygiene, and they provide an extensive range of services, which is designed to tackle existing signs of decay and gum disease, treat halitosis (bad breath), and prevent oral health problems. As well as administering intensive cleaning treatments, which target plaque and tartar, our dedicated team of hygienists also provides tailored advice and recommendations to help you improve your dental hygiene routine and ensure you understand how to have good oral hygiene. The most common dental diseases, decay and gum disease, are both preventable, and cleaning the teeth properly is the best way to keep your mouth in tip-top condition. 


Why is it important to see a dental hygienist?

Dental hygienists play a crucial role in the treatment and prevention of oral health conditions. If you see a hygiene therapist on a regular basis, you’ll enjoy several benefits. The most important is reducing the risk of gum disease, tooth decay, bad breath, and sensitivity. Going to the dental hygienist can also enhance the natural beauty of your smile, which will make you feel more confident, and enable you to learn all about brushing and flossing, cleaning techniques and steps you can take to protect your teeth and gums. Here’s a closer look at some of the main benefits of dental hygiene services:


Preventing and managing gum disease

Gum disease is a common oral condition, which can cause irreparable damage to the bone tissue, which supports the teeth and gums. Although gum disease is preventable, it is currently the leading cause of tooth loss among UK adults. At Piccadilly Dental, we provide a comprehensive range of services designed to prevent, treat, and manage gum disease. Our cleaning treatments can help to reduce the risk of gum disease, and we use intensive therapies to target stubborn plaque and tartar and prevent further damage once signs of gum disease have been detected. Gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease, can be managed and treated before it starts to cause long-term, irreversible damage within the mouth. If gingivitis is left untreated, it can develop into periodontal disease, an advanced form of gum disease that can cause the teeth to become loose and fall out. 


If you’re at risk of gum disease, or you have early signs of gingivitis, we strongly recommend attending regular dental checks and dental hygiene sessions.

You may be at risk of advanced gum disease if you are:

  • Pregnant
  • Diabetic
  • A smoker
  • On medication, for example, oral contraceptives and some types of cancer and anti-epilepsy drugs


Gum disease occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids, which attack the tooth enamel and irritate the delicate tissue that forms the gum line.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Bleeding when you brush
  • Bad breath
  • Soreness and increased tenderness
  • Redness
  • Swelling in the gums


Reducing the risk of tooth decay and improving your oral hygiene routine

Tooth decay is one of the most prevalent preventable illnesses in the world. Decay is caused by harmful bacteria in the mouth, which combine with saliva and food debris to create plaque. Plaque is a sticky, white film, which tends to cling to the tooth enamel and the gum line. When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth feed, and this causes them to produce acids, which weaken the surface enamel and irritate the gums. Once the enamel coating becomes thin or worn, there is a risk of bacteria penetrating the tooth, forming cavities and increasing the risk of infection. 


The best form of defence against tooth decay is a proper oral hygiene routine. You need regular visits to your hygienist. If you’re worried about brushing, you’re not sure how to clean your teeth properly, or you’re prone to cavities or sensitivity, our expert dental hygienists are here to offer advice and help you brush up on your tooth-cleaning skills.

We recommend:

  • Brushing twice a day, every day for at least 2 minutes
  • Using an electric toothbrush
  • Brushing gently: brushing too firmly can damage the tooth enamel
  • Using fluoride toothpaste to strengthen and protect the enamel
  • Using interdental brushes or dental floss to remove bacteria and food debris from the cracks between the teeth and the gum line
  • Avoid rinsing after brushing, as this removes fluoride from the mouth

When you brush, take care to move the brush around your mouth, covering every individual surface of each tooth, and devoting time to each corner. 


Preventing and treating halitosis (bad breath)

Halitosis is the medical name for bad breath. This is a very common problem, but it remains an issue that many people are scared to talk about.

Bad breath can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Smoking
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Eating certain foods
  • Gum disease
  • Taking certain types of medication


In the vast majority of cases, bad breath can be treated using advanced cleaning treatments, such as a scale and polish, and making changes to your diet and daily oral hygiene regime. Making sure you brush your teeth every morning and evening, avoiding foods that trigger bad breath and seeing a dental hygienist on a regular basis can help you bid farewell to bad breath for good. 


Many patients are apprehensive about seeking advice about bad breath. If you’re struggling, we’re here to help! There’s no need to be embarrassed, and our team of hygienists will do everything possible to put a smile back on your face. 


Tooth stain removal

tooth stain removalMost of us long for bright, white, sparkling teeth. Sadly, our diets, the lifestyle choices we make, and general wear and tear can all take their toll, contributing to discolouration. If your teeth are looking a little dull, or you’re conscious of staining when you smile, taking a trip to the dental hygienist can work wonders. Using innovative stain removal techniques, we can blitz surface stains to create a radiant, beautiful smile. 


We use specially designed instruments to remove plaque deposits before cleaning and polishing the teeth using a highly-effective air flow system. Air flow technology combines water, air, and a very fine stream of powder to tackle surface stains and bio-films, leaving your teeth feeling smooth and looking fabulous. 


Is it really necessary to see a dental hygienist?

It’s common for patients to assume that they don’t need to see a dental hygienist if they have healthy teeth and gums, and they don’t have problems like bad breath or swollen, sore gums. While seeing a hygienist on a regular basis can be incredibly beneficial for patients who do have symptoms of decay, halitosis, and gum disease, it’s also an excellent idea for those who are looking to maintain good oral health. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to dental health, and routine checks and hygiene sessions play a vital role in reducing the risk of dental diseases and keeping the smile in check. 


Numerous studies have linked poor oral health to an elevated risk of general and systemic health problems, so it’s essential to take good care of your teeth and gums. Oral diseases, particularly advanced gum disease, can increase the risk of heart disease, complications during pregnancy and labour, type 2 diabetes, and dementia. 


Dental hygiene FAQs

If you have questions about dental hygiene in Piccadilly, or you want to learn more, we’ve put together a handy FAQs section. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, we’d be more than happy to help, so don’t hesitate to give us a call. 


  • What happens when you go to a dental hygienist? 

If you’ve never been to a dental hygienist before, your hygienist will chat to you about your dental health, ask you some questions about your health and lifestyle in general and then have a good look at your teeth and gums. Your hygienist will talk to you about the kinds of services and treatments that could benefit you and then explain what is going to happen. If you have a scale and polish, for example, your hygienist will tell you what to expect, as they remove plaque from your mouth and polish your teeth to give them a healthy glow. Hygiene sessions are also designed to provide valuable information about teeth cleaning, and your hygienist will be on hand to offer advice and also to answer any questions you have. 


  • Do dental hygiene treatments hurt? 

We always strive to make sure our patients are as comfortable as possible, and in the vast majority of cases, you won’t experience any pain at all when having hygiene treatments. If you’re undergoing treatment for specific conditions, for example, periodontal disease, you may find that you experience mild discomfort at some points. We’ll always do our best to minimise pain, and we’ll check in with you to see how you are throughout the appointment. We use Local Anaesthetic if necessary.


  • Will a dental hygiene session benefit me if I’ve got healthy teeth and gums? 

Yes! Prevention is always better than cure, and regular hygiene sessions can help to keep decay and gum disease at bay. 


  • How can I make an appointment? 

If you’d like to make an appointment, simply give us a call on 020 7437 0154

If you’re on the hunt for first-class dental hygiene services in Piccadilly, London, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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